Join th' crew to fight sea monsters, duel vicious pirates, discover lost civilizations, plunder ships, n' more on th' high seas!
The purpose of the game is to earn doubloons which be used to gain levels, buy items from the store, get revenge on other pirates, n' more!
What is PiratesIRC? It is a pirate themed massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG), played on IRC and is greatly inspired by "Sid Meier's Pirates!".
How is any IRC game MMORPG? PiratesIRC features cross IRC network play. Each ship is representative of an IRC network. Ships can affect the game world by raiding ports, fighting other ships, dispatching monsters, completing treasure hunts, looting treasure, etc.
On each ship, players can duel, rob, troll, n' charver each other to become the Captain. The Captain is the richest player on the ship. The Captain can reward or punish players under his command and sail the ship to other ports, start parties, be mutinied and much more.
PiratesIRC has been in active development since 2017 and new features are continually being added. |
Pirates IRC uses Unicode v12
🪑 🪒 🪓 🪔 🪕 🪀 🪁 🪂
Best monospace unicode fonts: Win10: Consolas,
MacOS: Menlo, JuliaMono,
DejaVu Sans Mono,


PirateIRC Supporters gain the followin' benefits:
- Access to Patreon exclusive posts containin' tips, treasure map locations, n' more!
- Account never gets deleted, unless ye retire
- +25% Larger Chests
- Custom named faction
- Custom nickname + colors
- Custom weapon names + colors
- Weekly Loot Crates
Pirates accessories are sold at cost |
Game World News:
Change logs:
Current month's change log is here.
2021 change logs are hosted on Pastebin
2020 change logs are hosted on Pastebin
Archived Changelogs
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